Craig Greenwell
Head of Environment Department
Craig joined Harris Lamb in 2022, having begun his ecology career in 2008, predominantly managing the Natural England Voluntary Bat Warden scheme on behalf of Natural England through FPCR, which led to his passion for working with bats to him concentrating on protected species.
Further to becoming a licensed bat worker in 2010, responsible for producing and submitting Natural England bat licence applications varying development sites, Craig went on to become a Registered Consultant for the use of Natural England’s Bat Mitigation Class Licence (CL21), covering small size bat roosts of up to three different species and roosts and providing a much faster and efficient means of getting developers on site. Craig is also qualified to work with badgers, great crested newts and reptiles, having worked with numerous Local Planning Authorities to provide detailed migration strategies for a wide range of species to ensure their protection prior to development works commencing.
With specific windows of opportunity within the ecological calendar to work with such species, Craig’s position as a Registered Consultant licensed to work with badgers (CL35) and bats (CL21) proves a particular assset to the team, as it enables the business to secure a much quicker turnaround for developers compared to the traditional development licence.