Industrial units for sale and rent Birmingham

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57 The Avenue Rubery Industrial Estate

57 The Avenue, Rubery Industrial Estate, Birmingham, Worcestershire, B45 9AL

10,400 sq ft
For sale price: £635,000
  • Total site area extends to approximately 0.4 acres (0.16 hectares)
  • 4.95 - 8.3m eaves height
  • Car parking to front of the property
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Long Acre Trading Estate

Long Acre Trading Estate, Aston, Birmingham, West Midlands, B7 5JD

5,110 - 25,700 sq ft
To let price: On Application
  • To be refurbished
  • 6.25 - 6.50m eaves
  • Junction 6 M6 Motorway approx. 0.5 miles distant
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Unit 2 Meteor Park Argyle Street

Unit 2 Meteor Park, Argyle Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B7 5TE

22,200 sq ft
To let price: £233,233 per annum exclusive
  • Modern 'Grade A' specification - to be refurbished (Summer 2025)
  • Detached building with demised yard and parking spaces
  • Immediate access to J6 M6 & links to Birmingham City Centre
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Unit 8 Network Park Duddeston Mill Road

Unit 8 Network Park, Duddeston Mill Road, Saltley, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1AU

10,100 - 35,200 sq ft
To let price: On Application
  • Extensively refurbished warehouse units
  • Level access doors

Why choose Harris Lamb for industrial units in Birmingham?

We offer a wide range of industrial units in Birmingham for sale and rent. With flexible locations around Birmingham and the Midlands, as well as a wide range of spaces available, Harris Lamb is able to support any business looking for an industrial unit.

Harris Lamb was established in 1992 to provide commercial property advice on a regional and national basis to clients that include Occupiers, Developers, Property Funds, Investors and Public Sector Organisations.

The company offers the full range of property services with specialist departments advising and acting for clients on Agency, Development, Acquisition, Property Management, Rating, Planning, Building Surveying, Project Management, Landlord and Tenant, Valuation and Property Investment.

We are one of the largest independently owned Property Consultancy Businesses based in the Midlands and acting nationally.

Our staff are selected for their specialist knowledge and experience of providing clients with professional, consistent and reliable advice in every discipline. Our people are everything and we invest in them with continual training and social events.

The Practice is committed to quality assurance and has accreditation in accordance with BS EN ISO 9001. The company has successfully maintained “Investors in People” accreditation since 2004.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our advice, strength of relationships with our clients and the professionalism of all of our staff. This allows each client to be given the highest levels of service to ultimately deliver results.

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