Ecological Support
Harris Lamb has a commercially focussed ecology consultancy team that supports clients through all stages of the development lifecycle. We can support you from the early stages of your scheme, from land promotion and early ecological constraints and biodiversity offsetting implications, identifying ecological risks and programming protected species surveys.
We produce ecological assessments to accompany planning applications through to discharging ecological planning conditions, managing ecological licensing and providing Ecological Clerk of Works services post consent.
Our team can provide the following ecological support services:
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)
- Biodiversity calculations, offsetting and ecological mitigation and enhancement support
- Ecological risk management, survey programming and survey calendar
- Protected species surveys including, bats, great-crested newts, dormice, reptiles, badgers
- Botanical surveys, hedgerow surveys and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys
- Aquatic Ecology including Fisheries Assessment, Macro invertebrates, Macrophytes (including bryophytes), Diatoms, River Habitat Survey and River Corridor Survey
- Aquatic surveys including, Water vole surveys, Aquatic plant surveys with specialist experience in common standards monitoring for canals, ditches, rivers, lakes and ponds (inc. PSYM).
- Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessments
- Water Framework Directive (WFD) Assessment
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) for EIA Developments
- Discharge environmental and ecological planning conditions
- Ecological and Environmental Management Plans
- Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
- Ecological mitigation including habitat creation, exclusion, and EPS licensing
- Environmental team has achieved membership of the CIEEM, reflecting its role as an ecology consultancy