Environmental Impact Assessment
The Harris Lamb environmental consultants has extensive experience in providing environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and environmental statements (ESs) for various projects. We take pride in providing a balanced approach to all environmental implications and adverse impacts.
If you are unsure whether you need an EIA, our multi disciplinary team can help you decide whether it is necessary for your project by completing an EIA screening process.
We are passionate about providing environmental impact assessments that are tailored to the needs of each project. With years of experience in the field, our dedicated team will provide you with impact assessments that are accurate, cost effective and hit all EIA regulations 2017.
Our eia team work closely with our planning team, we regularly coordinate a range of environmental assessments to accompany non-EIA planning applications for a variety of proposed developments.
Our Environmental Services team can assist with the following environmental service needs:
- Provide a one-stop-shop integrated planning & EIA service
- EIA screening
- EIA scoping to focus Environmental Statements on key issues
- EIA Coordination and Environmental Statement production
- Environmental Statement review
- Monitoring post consent mitigation
- Production of Environmental Statement Addendum/Further Information
- Coordination of technical assessments
- Production of ecological impact assessments
- Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)