The site of a Birmingham veterinary surgery has been sold to a private landlord, with plans in place to build six new apartments adjacent to Lea Hall train station.
The 0.16-acre land parcel on Lea Hall Road in Stetchford was formerly occupied by an animal welfare centre and been sold to Deas Properties by Harris Lamb for £150,000.
James Willcock, of the business’ Residential Land team, said: “Demand for new homes across the Midlands remains high, and with this site being within easy reach of local amenities including shops, sports facilities and parks, it is an ideal opportunity for residential conversion.

“The site was sold with detailed permission for the development of two new-build two-bedroom and four one- bedroom flats.
“The opportunity is adjacent to Lea Hall railway station, which offers direct services to Birmingham New Street and Birmingham International every 30 minutes, a benefit which will make the new apartments particularly attractive to potential occupiers seeking convenient commuter links.
“This is the second site of its type purchased by Deas Properties, which has a reputation for providing quality living spaces, further to its acquisition of land parcel formerly occupied by a veterinary clinic in Nuneaton earlier this year. Having agreed terms and completed the sale, this site further extends the business’ property portfolio within the Midlands,” added James.